
Joining the ACC District

Annexation is a process set out in the Texas Education Code through which community colleges expand their taxing districts through annexation of territory that lies within their state-designated service area. It most commonly occurs through “annexation by election.”

Annexation by Election 

Residents within a service area community – often a school district but occasionally a city or county – petition to join the college district. If the college’s Board of Trustees determines that the petition is valid and signed by the appropriate number of registered voters, an election is held in the community. If the measure wins voter approval, the community is officially part of the college district’s taxing authority. The community begins paying ad valorem taxes to the college district in exchange for increased services, reduced tuition, and the right to vote in district elections. 

Extension of Junior College District Boundaries

Texas Education Code, Section §130.063

ACC Service Area & Taxing District

The ACC service district is approximately the size of Connecticut and covers all or portions of six Central Texas counties: Bastrop, Blanco, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, and Williamson.

Service Area & Taxing District Map

ACC’s taxing authority was established in March 1986. Today it includes the following communities:

ACC District Communities

Austin ISD December 1972 (founding of ACC District)
Leander ISD  November 1985
Manor ISD November 1998
Del Valle ISD May 2004
City of Austin  May 2005 (includes portions of Pflugerville and Eanes ISDs)
Round Rock ISD May 2008
Elgin ISD  November 2010
Hays CISD November 2010
Lockhart ISD November 2024

Cost & Benefits

ACC is the primary gateway to higher education and workforce training/retraining in Central Texas. Being a part of the district means the community will pay ad valorem taxes to the college district in exchange for increased services, voting privileges, and reduced tuition.


Community members residing within the ACC taxing district receive lower in-district tuition/fees of $85 per credit hour compared to $361 for out-of-district residents. In-district tuition is approximately 80 percent lower than area colleges and universities. 

In-district/out-of-district tuition for 2 years or 60 hours

ACC (In-District) ACC (Out-of-District) University of Texas Texas State Texas A&M Private
$5,100 $21,660 $20,796 $21,840 $20,632 $60,942


Being a part of the ACC District gives residents a voice in the vision, policies, and future direction of the college. Residents are eligible to run for and vote in elections of the nine at-large members of ACC Board of Trustees as well as other elections at the college.

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