Early College High School

Early College High School students posing for a photo at ACC Round Rock

Finish a College Degree in High School

Early College High School (ECHS) Programs afford students at partnering high schools (see below) the opportunity to earn an associate degree (or up to 60 college credits) while earning their high school diplomas. ECHS programs are four-year programs that begin during students’ freshman year of high school and result in students potentially earning their associates degree at the same time they graduate from high school.

Testimonials from ACC’s 2022 ECHS Graduates

Where are classes held & who teaches them?

Students take almost all of their college courses alongside traditional college students on ACC campuses. All ECHS courses are taught by qualified ACC faculty.

*ECHS programs are restricted to students enrolled at these high schools.

Participating high schools include:

Do my credits transfer?

ACC credits are highly transferable to most Texas public colleges and universities. It’s important to verify course transferability with your four-year institution. You may visit our University Information, Transfer Guides, & Course Equivalencies for more information. If you have further questions about course transferability, contact your Academic Success Liaison.

What’s the cost?

Free! Tuition, textbooks, transportation, and other fees are covered by Austin Community College and partnering school districts.

On average, ACC ECHS students save $12,000 in college tuition and fees.

Get Started

The High School Programs Enrollment Guidebook includes important dates, eligibility requirements, and step-by-step instructions for high school students to enroll in ACC Early College High School courses. It also includes ACC ID and ACC email activation, registration instructions, and eligible college readiness scores.

HS Programs Enrollment Guidebook (PDF)

Each ECHS may have additional unique requirements for enrolling in ACC courses, so please check with your high school counselor for more information on enrollment steps.

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