Course Audits

When you audit a class, you register and attend, but do not receive a grade or credit. Almost any ACC course may be audited if space is available in the class on the final day of the schedule change period (add/drop). Tuition for audited courses is the same as tuition for credit courses.


  • Audited classes do not apply toward any academic degree and are not counted as part of your course load for financial aid or loans.
  • You must complete the ACC admissions and enrollment steps before you can register to audit a class.
  • A course’s TSI requirements are waived when auditing a class.
  • A class that is initially registered for Credit cannot later be changed to Audit.

Register to Audit a Class

First, complete the enrollment process. Then log into your ACCmail account, and submit a Course Audit Request Form, during regular business hours on the final day in the schedule change period for the semester or session you plan to attend.  

Upon receiving your request, ACC will complete the course audit registration and notify you by email or phone when it is complete, or if the requested section is not available. You must pay in full for the course before the end of the day of registration. Courses that are not paid will be dropped and require departmental permission before reinstatement.

IMPORTANT: A student cannot audit a class if they already registered for it before the last day of the schedule change period to hold a seat open.

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