Housing Agreements & Locator Services

ACC does not provide student housing. You will need to make your own housing arrangements. Investigate your options independently or work with an apartment locator service.

Housing Considerations

When selecting housing, consider:

  • The type of housing, such as a private dormitory, furnished or unfurnished apartment, or private home;
  • its proximity to public transportation, shopping, restaurants, ACC’s International Student Office, and the campus or campuses you will attend; and,
  • the conditions and length of lease agreement.

Lease Agreement Precautions

A lease agreement is a binding legal contract between you and the property owner. Prospective students are strongly advised to view a rental property in person, then read, ask questions, and understand all aspects of a lease before signing.

It is difficult to break a lease—never sign a lease unless you are completely satisfied with the apartment/house and understand all the terms of the lease. By signing the lease, you are obligated to all the terms, including paying rent for the duration of the lease.

Apartment Locator Services

Apartment locator services can help you find a private dormitory, apartment, or rental home. This information is provided as a convenience to students; ACC does not endorse or have a relationship with these organizations.

Internet Services

Internet providers serving Austin

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