Payment Plans

Interest-free Payment Plans Help Spread College Costs

ACC offers payment plans to help make paying tuition affordable and manageable.  

Courses for college credit: Payment plans are available for all college credit courses. Set up your payment plan before your next college credit tuition deadline.

Continuing Education courses: Payment plans are available for certain continuing education (CE) courses.

Setting Up a Payment Plan

Log in to MyACC to set up a payment plan. See payment plan setup instructions. Payments are not accepted by phone.

Semester Down Payment 2nd Installment 3rd Installment
Fall 34% 33% 33%
Spring 34% 33% 33%
Summer 50% 50% N/A

See Payment Plan Dates & Deadlines.

Using Financial Aid/Veterans Benefits with Payment Plans

If you would like to set up a payment plan for the amount of tuition that is not covered by your financial aid benefits, you must call the Financial Office at 512-223-4636 to determine whether you are eligible for the workaround payment plan.

Financial aid workaround payment plans do not require a down payment. Any amount that is not covered by your financial aid is evenly distributed between the remaining payment plan dates. The following is an example using fall or spring semester payment plan.

Balance Details Amount
Tuition charges 1,000.00
Pending financial aid (200.00)
Remaining balance 800.00
Installment Details Amount
Down Payment N/A
First Installment 400.00
Final Installment 400.00

Payment plan installment amounts are adjusted when the financial aid/veteran benefit is applied to your account. If the award/benefit has not been applied to your account by the installment due date(s), you are responsible for paying the full installment amount. If the full installment amount is not paid by the installment deadline, a $20 late fee and registration hold will placed on your account.

Schedule Changes & Plan Adjustments

If you add or drop classes, your payment plan charges are recalculated to reflect the new amounts due and a notice is sent to your ACCmail. 

Important:  If you drop a class you are still responsible to pay the tuition charges in accordance with the state refund policy.

Future Payment Plan Payments

You can choose to schedule your payment plan future payments. When you make your down payment on your payment plan, select the option to save your payment method. Saving a method of payment allows you to save only the payment method  information. It does not set up any type of payment for your classes. It is a convenience so you do not have to re-enter the payment method information the next time you make a payment.

When scheduling payments, enter the amount due for each future payment on or before the due date to avoid late fees and holds to your student account.

Scheduled payments will continue to process as entered unless you change or delete the payment. If you change your payment method, you will need to reschedule future installments. You will receive an email reminder of your scheduled payment prior to processing. You must make any changes or deletions at least 24 hours before the scheduled payment date.

Late Payments and Failure to Pay

You are responsible for making tuition payments by the payment plan deadlines. If you do not pay on or before the payment due date:

  • There is a $20 fee for each late payment.
  • A student hold is placed on your record until the debt is paid.

Unpaid payment plan accounts may be sent to an outside collection agency. You are responsible for any collection costs and attorney’s fees associated with the collection of your account.

Authorized Users

You authorized someone else to pay or set up a payment plan for you online. Only authorized users can make online payments on payment plans initiated by the authorized user. You are still responsible for any amounts not paid and any late fees incurred.

Log into your myACC to add/remove an authorized user. An email with a temporary password and the authorized user login screen will be sent to the email address entered during setup.

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