Welcome to the ACC Chemistry Department

If you are an ACC student interested in chemistry who is seeking academic, transfer and career guidance, please make an appointment with the Faculty Mentor for chemistry, Samantha (Sam) Soebbing, Ph.D., using this link:  Sam’s Calendly.

Austin Community College (ACC), with its wide range of missions and diverse student bodies, plays an increasingly important role in higher education preparing students for careers in science. To accomplish its mission, ACC provides access to excellent instructional programs and comprehensive support services in a caring and supportive learning environment. ACC’s purpose is to provide opportunities for lifelong learning, and contribute to the economic growth of its communities while assisting students to attain degrees and certificates, earn credits to transfer, and develop the skills necessary to complete their educational goals.

The Department of Chemistry envisions itself to be among the premier departments in the discipline, holding a position of strength in teaching and creating learning experiences that (1) stimulate intellectual curiosity and (2) empower students to: communicate effectively and think creatively and critically to embrace their potential. The Department is united in its vision of providing the best possible learning environment for our students that develops their intellectual, ethical, social consciousness and leadership potential and produces students who are well equipped to enter the job market or Graduate/professional school. Its goal is to create a vibrant learning community focused on promoting academic excellence, and lifelong learning.

Internships, Honors Courses, Seminars! CREATE: Connecting Research and Education At TExas

Mission Statement

The mission of the Chemistry Faculty is to enhance the quality of life by helping students attain knowledge, master skills, and develop the appreciation, attitudes, and values needed to succeed and participate responsibly in their communities. The Department’s vision is to prepare its students for a diverse and changing world by:

Creating an environment that values and supports a culturally diverse and intellectually dynamic community and preparing students for global citizenship.

Developing innovative programs that facilitate student preparation for the baccalaureate experience.

Developing state-of-the-art technology to enhance teaching and learning.

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